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  • mbberley

The power of the Brain in digestion and digestive disorders

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Just one of the many tools that we as individuals have in our control as we forge ahead to reduce symptoms of gas, bloating and dysfunctional digestion, is harnessing the power of the brain. Digestion starts with the Cephalic system - smells and thoughts of delicious and nourishing food turn on salivary glands, prepping for food to enter the mouth and begin the breakdown process of turning foods into energy to rebuild, repair and replace cells and nutrients in the body necessary for good health, strong immune function and overall good living. Those smells and thoughts also prep the stomach to begin releasing acids and enzymes that that will properly deconstruct proteins and carbohydrates for utilization and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Without proper levels of stomach acid, many essential nutrients cannot be absorbed - leading to dysfunction in the body and causing further downstream issues.

A few of the best ways to get the brain/salivary glands and stomach acid production prepped and ready for digestion are as follows:

1- Home cooking: the smells that fill the kitchen alert the brain to prep the body for digestion

2- Prayer/mindfullness/emoting thoughts of gratefulness prior to eating a meal. Whatever your beliefs or personal practices may entail, taking the time before a meal, even if it is eaten on-the-go, to elicit and think about the meal you are about to consume, starts the engine of digestion.

3- Chew as much as possible. Not only is this a great strengthener for the mandible and tongue functioning (check out Dr. Steven Lin's book titled "The Dental Diet" for an incredible amount of information regarding oral health and whole body health), but breaking down foods into a more liquified bolus aids in a reduced amount of energy needed by the body to breakdown foods, aids in nutrient absorption, and allows more surface area to pull out essential nutrients.

You may find that these tips alone are sufficient to get you feeling a bit better in your journey.


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