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What makes the Therapeutic Protocols at Saratoga Functional Nutrition so successful?

Respect for Client Individuality & the Understanding of Multi-factorial root causes


What is the Framework used at SFN?

SFN utilizes a Full Body Systems approach to client healing.  I understand that you are unique, all things matter and all things are connected when it comes to optimal body functioning.  Your insides are as unique to you as your fingerprint.  The details of your specific protocol are teased out for YOU and consider everything in your intake form and from client discussions.

How long will it take for clients to see improvements or changes?

The answer will always be:  it depends.  It may have taken years and is quite often multi-factorial for dysfunction in the body to build.  Using a functional approach at SFN, we take you through small changes for lasting and improved health habits for YOU.  Moving you from dysfunction to function and a state of homeostasis depends on many factors.  The work of SFN is most successful with people who are willing to make significant changes in their diet and lifestyle in order to get better.

What exactly is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutrition is an up-to-date way of looking at diet and lifestyle that truly treats and meets clients as individuals.  Functional Nutrition Counselors work with clients' unique needs based on the principles of Functional Medicine, but with a focused perspective on the diet and lifestyle modification for which those principles rely for their success (and therefore client success).

Here are some of the ways that Saratoga Functional Nutrition differentiates itself in Functional Nutrition Counseling:

  • SFN not only wants to relieve your symptoms, but to uncover the WHY.  We call this root cause resolution.  This creates an environment of sustainable change and health improvement.

  • SFN works in partnership with any other healthcare providers you may be seeing, and takes an integrative approach to healthcare in being on your Health team.  (sometimes it can truly take a village!)

  • A focus on therapeutic partnerships with clients and their healthcare teams means you are supported every step of the way in your journey.

  • A holistic approach is the focus in the Functional Nutrition space.  Healthful relationships, stress, trauma, all things affect the function or dysfunction of body systems and are considered in the therapies considered at SFN.  This sets you up for short and long term success for managing those internal and external stressors on the body.

  • Patients can finally re-write their health history.  The power returns to the patient with effective strategies used on daily life choices that support you.  We clear the muddy waters to give you the knowledge to improve and create lasting good health.  We work with the things you have control over each and every day – diet, supplements, sleep, exercise, relaxation and more. Once we help you figure out which lifestyle factors need to shift, you will have more control over your life and your health than you thought possible.

What if I don't have any major health concerns but want to lose a few pounds.  Can SFN help me?

The focus at Saratoga Functional Nutrition is to serve clients that are ready and willing to work in order to make lasting changes to their health, nutrition and lifestyle choices.  While the majority of the clients we work with are clients with health challenges, SFN will absolutely support you in your goals for improving health and gaining increased energy and vitality.

What are the deliverables from appointments with Saratoga Functional Nutrition

  • Our first initial meeting will result in a comprehensive Health History form for you to keep, reference and utilize in your journey to good health.  

  • Bio-Individual Action plans will be created with each meeting for you to put into immediate action.

  • Timely and care-specific check-ins.

  • Patient/client advocacy and support.

  • Bloodwork/lab monitoring for changes in health.

It is the mission of Saratoga Functional Nutrition to support clients in every possible way to assist in healing and health.  I look forward to supporting you on your path to wellness and lasting change, as without health, what do we truly have?

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